Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adora Resveratrol the Powerful Antioxidant

Resveratrol is a very popular supplement. It is a powerful antioxidant and provides multiple health benefits. Some experts say the ‘French Paradox’ – The observation that the French suffer a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet rich in saturated fats – is caused by Resveratrol in Red Wine.

Choosing the right Resveratrol supplement can be a tough task. There are many free trial scams which rip the customer and are full of fillers. Adora Resveratrol on the other hand is made from 100% natural ingredients and contains 200 times the dose than found in red wine!!

Health benefits of Adora Resveratrol include :

* Adora Resveratrol cleans up the free radicals from the body.
* Adora Resveratrol strengthens the immune system.
* Adora Resveratrol lowers the bad cholestrol levels.
* Adora Resveratrol increases the energy levels.
* Adora Resveratrol improves the long term health.

Related Posts :
Adora Resveratrol The Wonder Supplement : 30.08.2010
Adora Resveratrol : 15.08.2010